Sell on YarnBiz

Become a seller on YarnBiz and reach out to thousands of B2B buyers.

  • Expand your business by distributing your goods online
  • Multiply your earnings by using Our Platform and Our Logistics Service

Best Yarn Rates, On-Time Deliveries & Responsive Communication

Total Users
PAN India Coverage
Ontime Delivery

Why Sell on YarnBiz?

We at YarnBiz aim to establish a seamless systematic platform for the Yarn industry no matter how unorganized and volatile the offline market may seem; we have structured our platform in such a manner that demand and supply has an un-intervened flow. Thus, if finding yarn buyers seems like another tremulous and never-ending task, well that unfaithful journey ends with YarnBiz, online yarn market in India. Our platform has yarn buyers from every nook and corner in India. List your products on our website and we do the rest.

Apart from the facilities like providing a dedicated relationship manager for every yarn seller and door to door logistic services we also make sure all your payments are done upfront within the promised timeframe. As the online yarn industry grows in multiples this is the apt time to register and start selling yarn online as we sail together for the new horizon of the industry.


Selling on YarnBiz